Thursday 27 March 2008

Itchy Fingers

STEPHEN KING, in his no-nonsense guide On Writing, suggests taking a six-week break between working on the first and second drafts of your manuscript.

Can't quite afford the same luxury as the millionaire-horror-maestro, but he must be doing something right, so, I decided to follow his advice and take my first break from daily bashing a keyboard in eight months.

It's been almost three weeks since I completed the last chapter and crept back into the land of the living from behind a closed door.

While out tramping around the chilly Somerset fields with my dogs in the mornings, the characters are creeping back into my head and I'm getting itchy fingers.

Can't can't wait to dive back into the story on Monday morning, closing that office door firmly behind me.

Thanks Stephen.

1 comment:

Ed Mahony said...

Can't afford the same luxury - quite. I do agree, in principal, though, a break can really clear and refresh the mind. How is the book going (I am rewriting one - children's book - at moment).